Psychoactive substance use by truck drivers: a systematic reviewEdmarlon Girotto, Arthur Eumann Mesas, Selma Maffei de Andrade, Marcela Maria Birolim
21 October 2013
Psychoactive substance use in truck drivers: occupational health and public healthA J van der Beek
21 October 2013
Increased risk of breast cancer associated with long-term shift work in CanadaAnne Grundy, Harriet Richardson, Igor Burstyn, Caroline Lohrisch, Sandip K SenGupta, Agnes S Lai, Derrick Lee, John J Spinelli, Kristan J Aronson
1 July 2013
Effects of magnetic stray fields from a 7 Tesla MRI scanner on neurocognition: a double-blind randomised crossover studyLotte E van Nierop, Pauline Slottje, Martine J E van Zandvoort, Frank de Vocht, Hans Kromhout
27 August 2012
Association between maternal occupational exposure to organic solvents and congenital heart defects, National Birth Defects Prevention Study, 1997–2002Suzanne M Gilboa, Tania A Desrosiers, Christina Lawson, Philip J Lupo, Tiffany J Riehle-Colarusso, Patricia A Stewart, Edwin van Wijngaarden, Martha A Waters, Adolfo Correa, National Birth Defects Prevention Study
17 July 2012
Paternal occupation and birth defects: findings from the National Birth Defects Prevention StudyTania A Desrosiers, Amy H Herring, Stuart K Shapira, Mariëtte Hooiveld, Tom J Luben, Michele L Herdt-Losavio, Shao Lin, Andrew F Olshan, the National Birth Defects Prevention Study
9 July 2012
Physically demanding work, fetal growth and the risk of adverse birth outcomes. The Generation R StudyClaudia A Snijder, Teus Brand, Vincent Jaddoe, Albert Hofman, Johan P Mackenbach, Eric A P Steegers, Alex Burdorf
27 June 2012
Nested case–control study of night shift work and breast cancer risk among women in the Danish militaryJohnni Hansen, Christina F Lassen
29 May 2012
Cardiovascular disease mortality among British asbestos workers (1971–2005)Anne-Helen Harding, Andrew Darnton, John Osman
2 April 2012
Predictors of seasonal influenza vaccination among healthcare workers in hospitals: a descriptive meta-analysisJosien Riphagen-Dalhuisen, Giedre Gefenaite, Eelko Hak
15 December 2011